Our Mission

Recruit, support and elect strong Republican candidates across Jefferson County to represent and serve our community.

Grow the Louisville GOP through a grassroots effort by engaging voters who support our vision.

View our Bylaws here.


We are serious


We are passionnate


We are determined

Our Vision

The Vision Statement of an organization is an inspirational statement – it is a statement of  ideals by which an organization strives to operate.

Jefferson County Republicans are the Party of:


Don Fitzpatrick
Don FitzpatrickChair
Charlie Bell
Charlie BellVice Chair
Sarah Provancher
Sarah ProvancherExecutive Director
Daniel McLaughlin
Daniel McLaughlinTreasurer
Isaac Oettle
Isaac OettleSecretary

JCRP Executive Committee

Legislative District Name
LD 28 Margaret Adkins
LD 29 Lonnie Wright 
LD 30 Kurt Penner
LD 31 Jake Cox
LD 32 Gus Herbert
LD 33 Ron Ross
LD 34 Avery Davenport
LD 35 Donna D. Lawlor
LD 36 James Hayes
LD 37 Corey Kaiser
LD 38 Carrie McKeehan
LD 40 Byron Fisher
LD 41 Sara Elizabeth Cottrell
LD 42 Judy Stallard
LD 43 Lisa M. Harris
LD 44 John Berg
LD 46 Jim Simrall
LD 48 Liam Gallagher
At Large Brian Abrams
At Large DeAnna Brangers
At Large Rick Burns
At Large Waymen Eddings
At Large David Ferguson
At Large Malcolmb Haming
At Large Connie Hayes-Badon
At Large Bob Heuglin
At Large James L. Hill
At Large Jonathan Joseph
At Large Dottie Krause
At Large Giselle Martino
At Large Herb Melton
At Large Caelan O’Connor
At Large Jim Patton
At Large Debbie Robbins
At Large Luis Sanchez
At Large Bret Shultz
At Large Michael Utter
At Large Carol Wayne
JCRP Metro Rep Anthony Piagentini
Board of Elections Linda Huber